Concordia University

Montreal, Quebec, Canada



Our campus equity week was a great success. Two separate information kiosques, a CEW banner (that we can now make use of every year for our union and CEW activities), donuts for the crowd, etc. We had a post-card campaign to coincide with one of the themes/issue of our negotiations "Class Size, Our Demise". Our kiosques were well attend and we managed to receive over 1,000 post-cards signed from students and staff. We were too busy to get proper media coverage about CEW but did send a flyer and information to our 1,200 CUPFA members. You should be aware that there are and will be several strike actions from part-time faculty unions from FNEEQ (in Quebec). The University of Quebec in Hull went on strike last week for starters.


Maria Peluso     mpeluso@sympatico.ca


2003 - AB - CD - EF - GH - IJKL - MN - OP - QR - ST - UV - WXYZ

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