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From the "Adjunct Mailing List" <adj-l@lyris.gc.cuny.edu>. Subscription and Archiving Option also available through the Web Interface at: http://listserv.gc.cuny.edu/lyris.pl?enter=adj-l

Oregon State graduate assistants win full health benefits
thanks to AFT - OregonAF

from Jillian Kemp of AFT-Oregon. Her e-mail is <JillianK@AFT-Oregon.org>

Oregon State graduate assistants win full health benefits thanks to AFT-OregonAFT-Oregon secured a huge win when its Coalition of Graduate Employees negotiated a tentative agreement granting full health insurance coverage for its graduate teaching and research assistants at Oregon State University (OSU), for the first time in OSU history.

"CGE promised to gain health benefits for graduate assistants," said Luke Ackerman, Local 6069 President. "By 2005, we will have achieved that goal by 400 percent. Yes, it took four years, but in the scheme of things, that wasn't long to wait for health insurance, considering graduate assistants
had always worked without benefits before," he said.

The comprehensive plan starts October 2004, and will include a shared contribution by the University and graduate assistant employees with at least a .2 FTE appointment. Until then, graduate assistant employees will receive an increase in the recruitment and retention differential that they already receive equal to $220 per term towards health costs-a 100 percent increase in benefits. By 2005, the University will cover 75 percent of employee health insurance costs.

"What impressed me most was the support we got from faculty - their awareness helped to move negotiations along, said Mindy Crandall, Local 6069 (CGE) VP Communications, and bargaining team member."

In addition, the new agreement includes a Health Insurance Advisory Council, composed of three graduate employees, and three university representatives.

The charge of the council will be to review operations and advise the plan administrator, OSU Student Health Services. "This is a win for both OSU and its graduate employees," said Ackerman. "Graduate employees will have the health insurance coverage they deserve, and OSU has another great tool for recruiting the best graduate assistants," he said.

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From the "Adjunct Mailing List" <adj-l@lyris.gc.cuny.edu>. Subscription and Archiving Option also available through the Web Interface at: http://listserv.gc.cuny.edu/lyris.pl?enter=adj-l


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