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Desent Magazine Pamphlet


Graduate Student Organizing

Dissent Magazine, a non-profit quarterly in New York, is publishing a
pamphlet on graduate student labor organizing. The pamphlet has gotten
wonderful reviews from academics and labor executives alike. It is an
important resource for those within the movement and anyone who wants more
information about its history, meaning, and value. At this point, we are
looking for appropriate venues to publicize this pamphlet. 'Campus equity
week' would be ideal.

As a non-profit, we often depend on other groups whose purpose(s) matches
ours. Though this pamphlet is published independent of partisan influences,
the UAW has helped to print it, the AFT has given us some funding, and
various graduate student groups have agreed to help with distribution.
Today, I am asking for your help as well.

We believe that it would work best to publicize this pamphlet by sending
willing coordinators of 'campus equity week' an email/PDF/jpeg copy of an
ad/flier and then coordinators would be able to make them available to
students. We would be able to cover printing costs if we are given prices
and notice in advance. We hope that you will be able to help us with this
project. Please contact us (information below) with any questions you might
have. Thank you so much for your time.


Meron Hadero

Dissent magazine
310 Riverside Drive, Suite 1201
New York, NY 10025

phone: 212.316.3120
fax: 212.316.3145
