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October 25, the focus will be on Chicoutimi

Negociations with the university management are bogged down

The members vote for striking at 90%. We will take part in a press-conference in Chicoutimi on Thursday. Lots of posters and pamphlets will be taken to Chicoutimi.

We are asking for your help !

You could help us by sending an e-mail messages or a fax to the University
President in support of the union's proposals.

M. Ghislain Bourque, recteur par intérim
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Tél. : (418) 545-5509
Fax : (418) 545-5012
Courriel (Email): gherty_Rhainds@uqac.ca

For your convenience, here is a letter model.

We would like to express our support for our fellow chargées et chargés de cours at University of Quebec at Chicoutimi. Their contribution to university's goals and objectives calls for and improvement in their salararies and working conditions. As elsewhere in North America, they are fundamental part of higher education.

Solidarity for ever,

It will be great if messages could be sent before Thursday's press conference. Please, send a copy to Richard Perreault, President of the part-timers' union at Chicoutimi. Your message will show that the union is not alone, but is a part of a continent-wide movement.

Syndicat des chargées et chargés de cours de l'UQAC
M. Richard Perreault, président
Tél. : (418) 545-5382
Fax : (418) 545-6949
Courriel : l6trembl@uqac.uquebec.ca

If you have any questions concerning the Chicoutimi negociations, contact:

Claire Tremblay at the union: (418) 545-5382

The doument, LA NÉGOCIATION DES CHARGÉS DE COURS ET DES SUPERVISEURS DE STAGES, is a MS WOrd doc for download, written in French.

The union demands a salary increase, funds dedicated to students supervision
(encadrement), The University demands specifics skills related to new technology (for each course).