State University System
State University
AAUP <www.ccsu.edu/aaup/csu>,
Larry Glenn, President
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, Connecticut
AAUP <http://scsu.ctstateu.edu/~aaupwww/>
John Kavanagh, President
Western Connecticut State University
Danbury, Connecticut
AAUP <http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/aaup>
Katy Wiss, President
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, Connecticut
AAUP <http://www.ccsu.edu/aaup/>
Carol Austad, President
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, Connecticut
AAUP <http://nutmeg.ctstateu.edu/aaup/>
Ross Koning, President
1. The Connecticut
State University-AAUP (CSU-AAUP) Council, through a resolution,
endorsed and sponsored CEW activities at Southern Connecticut State
University in New Haven, Central Connecticut State University in
New Britain, Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic
and Western Connecticut State University in Danbury.
2. The Faculty Senates at Central Connecticut and Southern Connecticut
have endorsed, through resolution, CEW. Part-time faculty at both
Southern and Central have voting representation in the Faculty Senates.
Southern Connecticut State University was the first Faculty Senate
in the state to give part-time faculty voting representation. SCSU
Part-Time Faculty Senator Larry Prince brought the CEW resolution
to the Faculty Senate for consideration and confirmation.
3. Southern is circulating a petition to Connecticut campuses for
legislative initiatives affecting part-time/contingent academic
labor in the state. The petition will create support for legislation
similar to efforts in California and Washington state. The petition
will be presented to a Coalition of Academic Unions who have part-time
members. The State Employees Bargaining Agents Coalition (SEBAC)will
provide counsel and legislative support.
4. Central Connecticut is circulating a comprehensive survey to
all part-time members of the CSU system. The survey instrument was
designed by part-time faculty at Central and the results will be
used in legislative and contractual efforts.
5. Southern Connecticut will distribute CEW buttons, scholar dollars
(designed by Ginny and Bill Jones) and informational flyers to all
faculty prior to and during the week.
6. The SCSU-AAUP will show "Degrees of Shame" October
29, during the Academic Forum. A panel discussion will follow. "Origins
of CEW", "A Simple Matter of Justice" and "Silicon
Valley" will also be shown during CEW.
7. The August-September 2001, "Vanguard" featured articles
about CEW and part-time contingent labor. Vijay Nair, President,
AAUP State Conference (WCSU Librarian, Negotiator for CSU-AAUP Bargaining
Team) was one of the featured writers. "Vanguard", through
its editorials and articles, has been a strong voice for contingent
academic labor in Connecticut. This award winning newspaper is published
by the Connecticut State Conference, Ruth Anne Baumgartner, Editor
and John Hill, Executive Director.
8. The Newsletter of the AAUP at Western, "Western Union",
kicks off their CEW activities with an elegant new design and in
depth articles about part-time members, part-time issues and international
Campus Equity Week.
"The Case for Campus Equity", is the featured article
by Ruth Flower, National AAUP staff member. Western's faculty will
participate in the petitions and surveys.
9. Eastern Connecticut plans an informational program that will
carry through the week with one-on-one dialogs between full and
part-time colleagues; articles in its newsletter "The Union
Rag" devoted to part-time/contingent labor issues; and discussions
about the importance of the part-time percentage contract language
in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Board of Trustees
has filed a petition to "scope" CSU-AAUP and the contract
cannot be taken to binding arbitration until the State Labor Relations
Board has issued its ruling.
Part-time faculty
at ECSU will be asked to identify issues of interest to them via
a survey. The survey results will be shared with the CSU-AAUP Council.
During the week, the ECSU-AAUP Executive Committee will staff information
booths and make materials available to all faculty about the benefits
of collective bargaining and working collectively. The AAUP Chapter
at Eastern has worked pro-actively over the years in support of
part-time faculty.
Flo Hatcher, SCSU-AAUP, 203-392-7805